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  1. Dạng quá khứ đơnphân từ quá khứ của bus
  2. Dạng quá khứ đơnphân từ quá khứ của buss

Tính từ



  1. Có hoặc liên quan đến vận chuyển bằng xe buýt.
    • 1971, Howard M. Field, Anthony Jong, “Cost-Effectiveness of Bussing Pupils to a Dental Clinic”, trong HSMHA Health Reports, tập 86, tr. 225:
      The percentage of patients who missed their scheduled appointment was 19 percent for the bussed and 51 percent for the nonbussed group (P < 0.001).
      (vui lòng thêm bản dịch tiếng Việt cho phần này)
    • 2018, Hüseyin Avunduk, “A Supply Chain Management Approach for the Bussed Education System from the Standpoint of Bussed Education in Turkey”, trong F. Burcu Candan, Hakan Kapucu (biên tập), Current Debates in Business Studies, tr. 226:
      In the 2012 academic year, a total of 13,366 bussed school centers were provided within the scope of bussed education. In that same year, a total of 109,058 school buses were used to transport students to bussed education school centers.
      (vui lòng thêm bản dịch tiếng Việt cho phần này)
    • 2020, Michael W. Wagner, Mallory R. Perryman, Mediated Democracy:
      Reporters started catching wind of the story, but they quickly learned there was a problem with the bussed protestors narrative.
      (vui lòng thêm bản dịch tiếng Việt cho phần này)
  2. (more specifically, chủ yếu là Mỹ) Bao gồm việc xóa bỏ sự phân biệt chủng tộc thông qua dịch vụ xe buýt từ trung tâm thành phố ra vùng ngoại ô.
    • 1966, Hearings, Reports and Prints of the Senate Committee on Government Operations, tr. 1008:
      Originally, the bussed students were not integrated into the receiving schools, but were treated as separate administrative units.
      (vui lòng thêm bản dịch tiếng Việt cho phần này)
    • 2015, Orlando Patterson, Ethan Fosse, The Cultural Matrix: Understanding Black Youth, tr. 399:
      Then I focus on the bussed students' school experience, highlighting their beliefs about the variability and malleability of school rules and procedures, their self-expression of critical attitudes and beliefs, and how suburban school staff promoted particular cultural skills and beliefs.
      (vui lòng thêm bản dịch tiếng Việt cho phần này)
    • 2020, Paula Heariold-Kinney, The Delicate Dance: Living White Being Black, A Memoir, tr. 154:
      Many of the bussed students took public transportation so they could stay after school and work on the play.
      (vui lòng thêm bản dịch tiếng Việt cho phần này)
    • 2020, Rita Gilbert Greer, Teacher Journeys:
      Since it was though that the bussed students did not have the money to pay the fee, the policy was changed so that library privilege to take a book was withheld until the other book was returned, a better policy for all of the students, which I voiced in the teachers lunchroom when the subject of late library books surfaced.
      (vui lòng thêm bản dịch tiếng Việt cho phần này)
  3. Dọn sạch phần còn lại của bữa ăn.
    • 1997, Katherine L. Hester, Eggs for Young America, tr. 120:
      [] he goes in the kitchen to sort through the plates from the bussed tables, picking through the hushpuppies for pieces of fried fish to take home.
      (vui lòng thêm bản dịch tiếng Việt cho phần này)
    • 2012, Toni McGee Causey, Allison Brennan, Sylvia Day, Guns and Roses:
      He set off, his arm still around Callie, letting her cling to the man who saved her life, practically tripping as they ran past the partially bussed tables .
      (vui lòng thêm bản dịch tiếng Việt cho phần này)
    • 2016, Turner Lomand, Social Science Research:
      In the bussed condition (11 tables and 31 people), the residual bones from the chicken wings were removed continuously, and participants were encouraged to serve themselves additional wings.
      (vui lòng thêm bản dịch tiếng Việt cho phần này)
  4. Có một bus (dây dẫn điện hoặc giao diện đóng vai trò là kết nối chung cho hai hoặc nhiều mạch hoặc thành phần)
    • 2001, Anres Eduardo Avilla, David Jay Vess, Kevin Joseph Hawes, Joseph Howard Gladd, Dominic Carano, Richard ALan Natoli, “US 6,220,876 B1: Electrical Interconnect System and Method For Integrationg a Bussed Electrical Distribution Center with a printed Circuit Board”, trong Official Gazette of the United States Patent and Trademark Office, tr. 4064:
      an electrical interconnect connecting said at least one bus wire on said bussed electrical distribution center with said conductive path on said printed circuit board, said electrical interconnect having a flexible bend located between the bussed electrical distribution center and the printed circuit board to provide a flexible interconnection, wherein said electrical interconnect comprises a strain relief loop.
      (vui lòng thêm bản dịch tiếng Việt cho phần này)
    • 2012, F. Lombardi, M.G. Sami, Testing and Diagnosis of VLSI and ULSI, tr. 442:
      If δ≤max{RA, CA}, the bussed array is RA/ CA-reconfigurable.
      (vui lòng thêm bản dịch tiếng Việt cho phần này)
    • 2017, Donald Reimert, Protective Relaying for Power Generation Systems, tr. 341:
      The bussed arrangement also increases the potential for generator damage by increasing the stator current during the LOF event.
      (vui lòng thêm bản dịch tiếng Việt cho phần này)
  5. Truyền tải điện năng bằng kết nối điện thay vì sử dụng khớp nối vật lý trực tiếp.
    • 1973, Special Court Reporter, tr. NC-12413:
      Pantographs on Metroliner cars with bussed couplets may be dropped when complying with the following procedures: []
      (vui lòng thêm bản dịch tiếng Việt cho phần này)
  6. Được hôn nhẹ.

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