Mô đun:affixusex/templates
Giao diện
local require = require
local m_languages = require("Module:languages")
local concat = table.concat
local find = string.find
local gsub = string.gsub
local insert = table.insert
local match = string.match
local shallowcopy = require("Module:table").shallowcopy
local sort = table.sort
local sub = string.sub
local export = {}
-- Per-param modifiers, which can be specified either as separate parameters (e.g. t2=, pos3=) or as inline modifiers
-- <t:...>, <pos:...>, etc. The key is the name fo the parameter (e.g. "t", "pos") and the value is a table with
-- elements as follows:
-- * `extra_specs`: An optional table of extra key-value pairs to add to the spec used for parsing the parameter
-- when specified as a separate parameter (e.g. {type = "boolean"} for a Boolean parameter, or
-- {alias_of = "t"} for the "gloss" parameter, which is aliased to "t"), on top of the default, which
-- is {list = true, allow_holes = true, require_index = true}.
-- * `convert`: An optional function to convert the raw argument into the form passed to [[Module:affixusex]].
-- This function takes three parameters: (1) `arg` (the raw argument); (2) `inline` (true if we're
-- processing an inline modifier, false otherwise); (3) `i` (the logical index of the term being
-- processed, starting from 1).
-- * `item_dest`: The name of the key used when storing the parameter's value into the processed `parts` list.
-- Normally the same as the parameter's name. Different in the case of "gloss", which is an alias for
-- "t".
local param_mods = {
t = {},
gloss = {
-- "gloss" is an alias of "t". The `extra_specs` handles this automatically for separate parameters, and the
-- `item_dest` handles this for inline modifiers.
item_dest = "t",
extra_specs = {alias_of = "t"},
tr = {},
ts = {},
g = {},
id = {},
alt = {},
q = {},
qq = {},
lit = {},
pos = {},
lang = {
extra_specs = {type = "language", etym_lang = true},
convert = function(arg, inline, i)
-- i + 1 because we want to reference the actual term param name, which is 2= for the first term, 3= for the second, etc.
return inline and m_languages.getByCode(arg, (i + 1) .. ":lang", "allow etym") or arg
sc = {
-- sc1=, sc2=, ... are different from sc=; the former apply to individual arguments when lang1=, lang2=, ...
-- is specified, while the latter applies to all arguments where langN=... isn't specified.
extra_specs = {type = "script", separate_no_index = true, require_index = false},
convert = function(arg, inline, i)
-- i + 1 same as above for "lang".
return inline and require("Module:scripts").getByCode(arg, (i + 1) .. ":sc") or arg
arrow = {
-- This is a Boolean param. The `extra_specs` below automatically handles this for separate parameters, but
-- we need to handle it ourselves as an inline modifier.
extra_specs = {type = "boolean"},
convert = function(arg, inline, i)
if inline then
return require("Module:yesno")(arg, true)
return arg
joiner = {},
fulljoiner = {},
accel = {
convert = function(arg, inline, i)
return gsub(arg, "_", "|") -- To allow use of | in templates
local default_param_spec = {list = true, allow_holes = true, require_index = true}
local function get_valid_prefixes()
local valid_prefixes = {}
for param_mod, _ in pairs(param_mods) do
insert(valid_prefixes, param_mod)
return valid_prefixes
function export.affixusex_t(frame)
local params = {
[1] = {required = true, type = "language", etym_lang = true, default = "und"},
[2] = {list = true, allow_holes = true},
["altaff"] = {},
["nointerp"] = {type = "boolean"},
["pagename"] = {},
for param_mod, param_mod_spec in pairs(param_mods) do
if not param_mod_spec.extra_specs then
params[param_mod] = default_param_spec
local param_spec = shallowcopy(default_param_spec)
for k, v in pairs(param_mod_spec.extra_specs) do
param_spec[k] = v
params[param_mod] = param_spec
local aftype = frame.args["type"]
if aftype == "" or not aftype then
aftype = "affix"
if aftype == "prefix" then
params["altpref"] = {alias_of = "altaff"}
elseif aftype == "Hậu tố" then
params["altsuf"] = {alias_of = "altaff"}
local args = require("Module:parameters").process(frame:getParent().args, params)
local lang = args[1]
local sc = args.sc.default
-- Find the maximum index among any of the list parameters.
local maxmaxindex = 0
for k, v in pairs(params) do
if v.list and v.allow_holes and not v.alias_of and args[k].maxindex > maxmaxindex then
maxmaxindex = args[k].maxindex
local put
-- Build up the per-term objects.
local parts = {}
for i=1, maxmaxindex do
local part = {}
local term = args[2][i]
-- Parse all the term-specific modifiers and store in `part`.
for param_mod, param_mod_spec in pairs(param_mods) do
local dest = param_mod_spec.item_dest or param_mod
local arg = args[param_mod] and args[param_mod][i]
if arg then
if param_mod_spec.convert then
arg = param_mod_spec.convert(arg, false, i)
part[dest] = arg
-- Remove and remember an initial exclamation point from the term, and parse off an initial language code (e.g.
-- 'la:minūtia' or 'grc:[[σκῶρ|σκατός]]').
if term then
if sub(term, 1, 1) == "!" then
part.begins_with_exclamation_point = true
term = gsub(term, "^!", "")
local termlang, actual_term = match(term, "^([%w._-]+):(.*)$")
if termlang and termlang ~= "w" then -- special handling for w:... links to Wikipedia
-- i + 1 because terms begin at 2=.
termlang = m_languages.getByCode(termlang, i + 1, "allow etym")
term = actual_term
termlang = nil
if part.lang and termlang then
error(("Both lang%s= and a language in %s= given; specify one or the other"):format(i, i + 1))
part.lang = part.lang or termlang
part.term = term
-- Check for inline modifier, e.g. מרים<tr:Miryem>. But exclude HTML entry with <span ...>, <i ...>, <br/> or
-- similar in it, caused by wrapping an argument in {{l|...}}, {{af|...}} or similar. Basically, all tags of
-- the sort we parse here should consist of a less-than sign, plus letters, plus a colon, e.g. <tr:...>, so if
-- we see a tag on the outer level that isn't in this format, we don't try to parse it. The restriction to the
-- outer level is to allow generated HTML inside of e.g. qualifier tags, such as foo<q:similar to {{m|fr|bar}}>.
if term and find(term, "<", 1, true) and not match(term, "^[^<]*<%l*[^%l:]") then
if not put then
put = require("Module:parse utilities")
local run = put.parse_balanced_segment_run(term, "<", ">")
local function parse_err(msg)
error(msg .. ": " .. (i + 1) .. "=" .. concat(run))
part.term = run[1]
for j = 2, #run - 1, 2 do
if run[j + 1] ~= "" then
parse_err("Extraneous text '" .. run[j + 1] .. "' after modifier")
local modtext = match(run[j], "^<(.*)>$")
if not modtext then
parse_err("Internal error: Modifier '" .. modtext .. "' isn't surrounded by angle brackets")
local prefix, arg = match(modtext, "^(%l+):(.*)$")
if not prefix then
parse_err(("Modifier %s lacks a prefix, should begin with one of %s followed by a colon"):format(
run[j], concat(get_valid_prefixes(), ",")))
if not param_mods[prefix] then
parse_err(("Unrecognized prefix '%s' in modifier %s, should be one of %s"):format(
prefix, run[j], concat(get_valid_prefixes(), ",")))
local dest = param_mods[prefix].item_dest or prefix
if part[dest] then
parse_err("Modifier '" .. prefix .. "' occurs twice, second occurrence " .. run[j])
if param_mods[prefix].convert then
arg = param_mods[prefix].convert(arg, true, i)
part[dest] = arg
insert(parts, part)
-- Determine whether the terms in the numbered params contain a prefix or suffix. If not, we may insert one before
-- the last term (for suffixes) or the first term (for prefixes).
local affix_in_parts = false
local SUBPAGE = args.pagename or mw.title.getCurrentTitle().subpageText
for i=1, maxmaxindex do
if parts[i].term then
-- Careful here, a prefix beginning with ! should be treated as a normal term.
if parts[i].begins_with_exclamation_point or (lang:makeEntryName(parts[i].term)) == SUBPAGE then
affix_in_parts = true
if not parts[i].alt then
parts[i].alt = parts[i].term
parts[i].term = nil
-- Determine affix to check for prefixness/suffixness.
local insertable_aff = args["altaff"] or SUBPAGE
-- Determine affix to interpolate if needed.
local affix = args["altaff"]
if not affix then
if lang:hasType("reconstructed") then
affix = "*" .. SUBPAGE
affix = SUBPAGE
-- Insert suffix derived from page title or altaff=/altsuf= before the last component if
-- (a) nointerp= isn't present, and
-- (b) no suffix is present among the parts (where "suffix" means a part that matches the subpage name after
-- diacritics have been removed, or a part prefixed by !), and either
-- (i) {{suffixusex}}/{{sufex}} was used;
-- (ii) {{affixusex}}/{{afex}} was used and altaff= is given, and its value looks like a suffix (begins with -,
-- doesn't end in -; an infix is not a suffix)
-- (iii) {{affixusex}}/{{afex}} was used and altaff= is not given and the subpage title looks like a suffix
-- (same conditions as for altaff=)
-- Insert prefix derived from page title or altaff=/altpref= before the first component using similar logic as
-- preceding.
if not args["nointerp"] and not affix_in_parts then
if aftype == "prefix" or (
aftype == "affix" and
sub(insertable_aff, -1) == "-" and
sub(insertable_aff, 1, 1) ~= "-"
) then
insert(parts, 1, {alt = affix})
elseif aftype == "Hậu tố" or (
aftype == "affix" and
sub(insertable_aff, 1, 1) == "-" and
sub(insertable_aff, -1) ~= "-"
) then
insert(parts, maxmaxindex, {alt = affix})
return require("Module:affixusex").format_affixusex(lang, sc, parts, aftype)
return export