Mô đun:alternative forms
Giao diện
local export = {}
local m_links = require("Module:links")
local m_languages = require("Module:languages")
local put_module = "Module:parse utilities"
local labels_module = "Module:labels"
local rsplit = mw.text.split
local function track(page)
require("Module:debug/track")("alter/" .. page)
-- Per-param modifiers, which can be specified either as separate parameters (e.g. t2=, pos3=) or as inline modifiers
-- <t:...>, <pos:...>, etc. The key is the name fo the parameter (e.g. "t", "pos") and the value is a table with
-- elements as follows:
-- * `extra_specs`: An optional table of extra key-value pairs to add to the spec used for parsing the parameter
-- when specified as a separate parameter (e.g. {type = "boolean"} for a Boolean parameter, or
-- {alias_of = "t"} for the "gloss" parameter, which is aliased to "t"), on top of the default, which
-- is {list = true, allow_holes = true}.
-- * `convert`: An optional function to convert the raw argument into the form passed to [[Module:links]].
-- This function takes two parameters: (1) `arg` (the raw argument); (2) `parse_err` (a function used to
-- throw an error in case of a parse error).
-- * `item_dest`: The name of the key used when storing the parameter's value into the processed `term` or `termobj`
-- object. Normally the same as the parameter's name. Different in the case of "t", where we store the
-- gloss in "gloss", and "g", where we store the genders in "genders".
local param_mods = {
t = {
-- We need to store the t1=/t2= param and the <t:...> inline modifier into the "gloss" key of the parsed term,
-- because that is what [[Module:links]] expects.
item_dest = "gloss",
gloss = {
-- The `extra_specs` handles the fact that "gloss" is an alias of "t".
extra_specs = {alias_of = "t"},
tr = {},
ts = {},
g = {
-- We need to store the g1=/g2= param and the <g:...> inline modifier into the "genders" key of the parsed term,
-- because that is what [[Module:links]] expects.
item_dest = "genders",
convert = function(arg, parse_err)
return rsplit(arg, ",")
id = {},
alt = {},
q = {},
qq = {},
lit = {},
pos = {},
sc = {
-- sc1=, sc2=, ... are different from sc=; the former apply to individual arguments while the latter applies to
-- all arguments. To handle this in separate parameters, we need to set the key in the `params` object passed to
-- [[Module:parameters]] to something else (in this case "partsc") and set `list = "sc"` and
-- `require_index = true` in the value of the `params` object. This causes [[Module:parameters]] to fetch
-- parameters named sc1=, sc2= etc. but store them into "partsc", while sc= is stored into "sc".
param_key = "partsc",
require_index = true,
extra_specs = {list = "sc"},
convert = function(arg, parse_err)
return require("Module:scripts").getByCode(arg, parse_err)
local function get_valid_prefixes()
local valid_prefixes = {}
for param_mod, _ in pairs(param_mods) do
table.insert(valid_prefixes, param_mod)
return valid_prefixes
Main function for displaying alternative forms. Extracted out from the template-callable function so this can be
called by other modules (in particular, [[Module:descendants tree]]). `show_labels_after_terms` (used by
[[Module:descendants tree]]) causes labels to be placed in brackets after each term rather than at the end using an
em-dash. `allow_self_link` causes terms the same as the pagename to be shown normally; otherwise they are displayed
function export.display_alternative_forms(parent_args, pagename, show_labels_after_terms, allow_self_link)
local list_with_holes = { list = true, allow_holes = true }
local params = {
[1] = { required = true, default = "und" },
[2] = list_with_holes,
["sc"] = {},
-- Add parameters for each term modifier.
for param_mod, param_mod_spec in pairs(param_mods) do
local param_key = param_mod_spec.param_key or param_mod
if not param_mod_spec.extra_specs then
params[param_key] = list_with_holes
local param_spec = mw.clone(list_with_holes)
for k, v in pairs(param_mod_spec.extra_specs) do
param_spec[k] = v
if param_mod_spec.require_index then
param_spec.require_index = true
params[param_key] = param_spec
local args = require("Module:parameters").process(parent_args, params)
local lang = m_languages.getByCode(args[1], 1)
local sc = args["sc"] and require("Module:scripts").getByCode(args["sc"], "sc") or nil
local raw_labels = {}
local items = {}
-- Find the maximum index among any of the list parameters.
local maxmaxindex = 0
for k, v in pairs(args) do
if type(v) == "table" and v.maxindex and v.maxindex > maxmaxindex then
maxmaxindex = v.maxindex
if maxmaxindex == 0 then
error("Either a positional parameter, alt parameter, id parameter, tr parameter, or ts parameter is required.")
-- Is set to true if there is a term (entry link, alt text, transliteration, transcription) at the previous index.
local prev = false
local use_semicolon = false
local put
local termno = 0
for i = 1, maxmaxindex do
-- If the previous term parameter was empty and we're not on the first term parameter,
-- this term parameter and any others contain labels.
if i > 1 and not prev then
raw_labels = {unpack(args[2], i, maxmaxindex)}
local term = args[2][i]
if term ~= ";" then
termno = termno + 1
-- Compute whether any of the separate indexed params exist for this index.
local any_param_at_index = term ~= nil
for k, v in pairs(args) do
-- Look for named list parameters. We check:
-- (1) key is a string (excludes 2=, a numbered rather than named list param, because it needs to
-- be indexed using `i` instead of `termno`);
-- (2) value is a table (1= and sc= are converted into strings or nil rather than lists);
-- (3) the value has an entry at index `termno` (the current logical index).
if type(k) == "string" and type(v) == "table" and v[termno] then
any_param_at_index = true
-- Tracking for use of any specific indexed parameter. FIXME: Do we still need this?
-- FIXME: If we don't need it, remove the call to track() below, add `break` below, and wrap
-- the `for` loop in `if not any_param_at_index then` for efficiency purposes.
-- break
-- [[Special:WhatLinksHere/Wiktionary:Tracking/alter/alt]]
-- [[Special:WhatLinksHere/Wiktionary:Tracking/alter/id]]
-- [[Special:WhatLinksHere/Wiktionary:Tracking/alter/tr]]
-- [etc.]
-- If any of the params used for formatting this term is present, create a term and add it to the list.
if any_param_at_index then
-- Initialize the `termobj` object passed to full_link() in [[Module:links]].
local termobj = {
joiner = i > 1 and (args[2][i - 1] == ";" and "; " or ", ") or "",
lang = lang,
sc = sc,
term = term,
-- Parse all the term-specific parameters and store in `termobj`.
for param_mod, param_mod_spec in pairs(param_mods) do
local dest = param_mod_spec.item_dest or param_mod
local param_key = param_mod_spec.param_key or param_mod
local arg = args[param_key] and args[param_key][termno]
if arg then
if param_mod_spec.convert then
local function parse_err(msg, stack_frames_to_ignore)
error(("%s: %s%s=%s"):format(msg, param_mod,
(termno > 1 or param_mod_spec.require_index) and termno or "", arg),
arg = param_mod_spec.convert(arg, parse_err)
termobj[dest] = arg
-- Check for inline modifier, e.g. מרים<tr:Miryem>. But exclude HTML entry with <span ...>, <i ...>,
-- <br/> or similar in it, caused by wrapping an argument in {{l|...}}, {{af|...}} or similar.
-- Basically, all tags of the sort we parse here should consist of a less-than sign, plus letters, plus
-- a colon, e.g. <tr:...>, so if we see a tag on the outer level that isn't in this format, we don't
-- try to parse it. The restriction to the outer level is to allow generated HTML inside of e.g.
-- qualifier tags, such as foo<q:similar to {{m|fr|bar}}>.
if term and term:find("<") and not term:find("^[^<]*<[a-z]*[^a-z:]") then
local function generate_obj(term)
termobj.term = term ~= "" and term or nil
return termobj
require(put_module).parse_inline_modifiers(term, {
-- Add 1 because first term index starts at 2.
paramname = i + 1,
param_mods = param_mods,
generate_obj = generate_obj,
-- If the displayed term (from .term or .alt) has an embedded comma, use a semicolon to join the terms.
local term_text = termobj.term or termobj.alt
if not use_semicolon and term_text then
if term_text:find(",", 1, true) then
use_semicolon = true
-- If the to-be-linked term is the same as the pagename, display it unlinked.
if not allow_self_link and termobj.term and (lang:makeEntryName(termobj.term)) == pagename then
track("term is pagename")
termobj.alt = termobj.alt or termobj.term
termobj.term = nil
table.insert(items, termobj)
prev = true
if math.max(args.alt.maxindex, args.id.maxindex, args.tr.maxindex, args.ts.maxindex) >= termno then
track("too few terms")
prev = false
-- The template must have either items or labels.
if items[1] == nil and raw_labels[1] == nil then error("No terms found!") end
-- If any term had an embedded comma, override all joiners to be semicolons.
if use_semicolon then
for i, item in ipairs(items) do
if i > 1 then
item.joiner = "; "
local labels
if #raw_labels > 0 then
labels = require(labels_module).get_label_list_info(raw_labels, lang, "nocat")
-- Format all the items, including joiners, pre-qualifiers, post-qualifiers and (if `show_labels_after_terms` is
-- given) labels.
for i, item in ipairs(items) do
items[i] = item.joiner .. m_links.full_link(item, nil, allow_self_link, "show qualifiers")
-- Temporarily turn this off till we can fix it correctly.
if false then -- show_labels_after_terms and labelsthen
items[i] = items[i] .. " " .. require(labels_module).format_processed_labels {
labels = labels, lang = lang, open = "[", close = "]"
-- Construct the final output.
if not show_labels_after_terms then
-- If there are labels, construct them now and append to final output.
if labels then
local formatted_labels
if lang:hasTranslit() then
formatted_labels = " — " .. require(labels_module).format_processed_labels {
labels = labels, lang = lang
formatted_labels = " " .. require(labels_module).format_processed_labels {
labels = labels, lang = lang, open = "(", close = ")"
table.insert(items, formatted_labels)
return table.concat(items)
Template-callable function for displaying alternative forms.
function export.create(frame)
local parent_args = frame:getParent().args
local title = mw.title.getCurrentTitle()
local PAGENAME = title.text
return export.display_alternative_forms(parent_args, title)
return export