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Mô đun:car-IPA

Từ điển mở Wiktionary
local export = {}
local PAGENAME = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().text

local m_IPA = require("Module:IPA")
local m_a = require("Module:accent qualifier")
local lang = require("Module:languages").getByCode("car")

-- single characters that map to IPA sounds
local phonetic_chars_map = {
	["a"] = "a",
	["à"] = "aʔ",
	["á"] = "aː",
	["â"] = "aːʔ",
	["e"] = "e",
	["è"] = "eʔ",
	["é"] = "eː",
	["ê"] = "eːʔ",
	["i"] = "i",
	["ì"] = "iʔ",
	["í"] = "iː",
	["î"] = "iːʔ",
	["j"] = "j",
	["k"] = "k",
	["`"] = "ʔ",
	["m"] = "m",
	["n"] = "n",
	["o"] = "o",
	["ò"] = "oʔ",
	["ó"] = "oː",
	["ô"] = "oːʔ",
	["p"] = "p",
	["r"] = "ɽ",
	["s"] = "s",
	["t"] = "t",
	["u"] = "u",
	["ù"] = "uʔ",
	["ú"] = "uː",
	["û"] = "uːʔ",
	["w"] = "w",
	["y"] = "ɨ",
	["ỳ"] = "ɨʔ",
	["ý"] = "ɨː",
	["ŷ"] = "ɨːʔ",
	["b"] = "b",
	["d"] = "d",
	["f"] = "f",
	["g"] = "ɡ",

-- character sequences of two that map to IPA sounds
local phonetic_2chars_map = {
	["sj"] = "ʃ",

function export.to_base_IPA(word)
	word = mw.ustring.lower(word)

	local phonetic = word

	for pat, repl in pairs(phonetic_2chars_map) do
		phonetic = phonetic:gsub(pat, repl)

	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, '.', phonetic_chars_map)

	-- unwritten glottal stop
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "([aeiouɨ]ː?)([aeiouɨ]ː?)ʔ", "%1ʔ%2ʔ")

	-- vowel lengthening/stress
    phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "[mn]([ptkbdɡfsʃmnɽjw])", "N%1")
    phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "[mn]%f[%A]", "N")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "([aeiouɨ])i", "%1J")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "([aeiouɨ])ɨ", "%1Y")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "([aeiouɨ])u", "%1W")
    phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "%f[%a](p?t?k?b?d?ɡ?f?s?ʃ?m?n?ɽ?j?w?[aeiouɨ])([ʔJYWN])", "%1ː%2")
    phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "%f[%a](p?t?k?b?d?ɡ?f?s?ʃ?m?n?ɽ?j?w?[aeiouɨ]p?t?k?b?d?ɡ?f?s?ʃ?m?n?ɽ?j?w?[aeiouɨ])", "%1ː")
    phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "%f[%a](p?t?k?b?d?ɡ?f?s?ʃ?m?n?ɽ?j?w?[aeiouɨ])(p?t?k?b?d?ɡ?f?s?ʃ?m?n?ɽ?j?w?[aeiouɨ])ː(ʔ?J?Y?W?N?)%f[%A]", "%1ː%2%3")
    phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "ː(ʔ?J?Y?W?N?p?t?k?b?d?ɡ?f?s?ʃ?m?n?ɽ?j?w?[aeiouɨ]ʔ?J?Y?W?N?p?t?k?b?d?ɡ?f?s?ʃ?m?n?ɽ?j?w?[aeiouɨ])", "ː%1ː")
    phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "ː(ʔ?J?Y?W?N?p?t?k?b?d?ɡ?f?s?ʃ?m?n?ɽ?j?w?[aeiouɨ]ʔ?J?Y?W?N?p?t?k?b?d?ɡ?f?s?ʃ?m?n?ɽ?j?w?[aeiouɨ])([^ː])", "ː%1ː%2")
    phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "ː(ʔ?J?Y?W?N?p?t?k?b?d?ɡ?f?s?ʃ?m?n?ɽ?j?w?[aeiouɨ]ʔ?J?Y?W?N?p?t?k?b?d?ɡ?f?s?ʃ?m?n?ɽ?j?w?[aeiouɨ])([^ː])", "ː%1ː%2")
    phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "ː(ʔ?J?Y?W?N?p?t?k?b?d?ɡ?f?s?ʃ?m?n?ɽ?j?w?[aeiouɨ]ʔ?J?Y?W?N?p?t?k?b?d?ɡ?f?s?ʃ?m?n?ɽ?j?w?[aeiouɨ])([^ː])", "ː%1ː%2")
    phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "ː(ʔ?J?Y?W?N?p?t?k?b?d?ɡ?f?s?ʃ?m?n?ɽ?j?w?[aeiouɨ]ʔ?J?Y?W?N?p?t?k?b?d?ɡ?f?s?ʃ?m?n?ɽ?j?w?[aeiouɨ])([^ː])", "ː%1ː%2")
    phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "([aeiouɨ])ː([ʔJYWN])", "%1%2")
    phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "([aeiouɨ])ː%f[%A]", "%1")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "J", "i")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "Y", "ɨ")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "W", "u")

	-- palatalization
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "(iː?ʔ?N?)p([^i])", "%1pʲ%2")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "(iː?ʔ?N?)t([^i])", "%1tʲ%2")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "(iː?ʔ?N?)k([^i])", "%1kʲ%2")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "(iː?ʔ?N?)b([^i])", "%1bʲ%2")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "(iː?ʔ?N?)d([^i])", "%1dʲ%2")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "(iː?ʔ?N?)ɡ([^i])", "%1ɡʲ%2")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "(iː?ʔ?N?)s([^i])", "%1ʃ%2")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "si", "ʃi")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "(iː?ʔ?N?)ʃi", "%1si")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "([ie]ː?ʔ?N?)ɽ", "%1ɾ")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "(iː?ʔ?N?)m([^i])", "%1mʲ%2")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "(iː?ʔ?N?)n([^i])", "%1ɲ%2")

	-- glottal allophones
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "ʔ([ptkfsʃ])", "h%1")

    -- nasals
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "N([ɲj])", "ɲ%1")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "N([kɡw])", "ŋ%1")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "N([pbfm])", "m%1")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "N([tdsʃn])", "n%1") -- not sure about s/ʃ, they might require ŋ rather than n
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "N[ɽɾ]", "n")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "aN%f[%A]", "ã")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "eN%f[%A]", "ẽ")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "iN%f[%A]", "iɲ")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "oN%f[%A]", "õ")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "uN%f[%A]", "ũ")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "ɨN%f[%A]", "ɨ̃")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "N", "ŋ")

	return phonetic

function export.finalize_IPA(word)
	local phonetic = word

    -- diphthong offglides
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "([aeiouɨ])i", "%1j")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "([aeiouɨ])ɨ", "%1ɰ")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "([aeiouɨ])u", "%1w")

    -- unpronounced/indistinct w and j in certain environments
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "(.)[wʋβ]u", "%1u")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "([oa]ː?)[jð]e", "%1e")

    -- notation
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "ɽ", "ɺ̢")

	return phonetic

function export.to_IPA(word)
	local phonetic = export.to_base_IPA(word)

    -- non-phonemic vowel loss
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "%f[%a]ɨ([^ː])", "%1")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "%f[%a]i([^ːɾ])", "%1")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "m([uɨ])%f[%A]", "m(%1)")

    phonetic = export.finalize_IPA(phonetic)

	return "[" .. phonetic .. "]"

function export.to_Venezuelan_IPA(word)
	local phonetic = word

	-- basic phonetic differences
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "j", "ð")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "w", "β")

	-- palatalization
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "tʲ", "tʃ")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "ŋkʲ", "nʃ")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "kʲ", "ʃ")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "(iː?ʔ?h?)ɾ([^i])", "%1j%2")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "(iː?ʔ?h?ɲ?)ð([^i])", "%1j%2")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "(iː?ʔ?h?ŋ?)β([^i])", "%1βʲ%2")

    -- fleeting ɰ/u
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "([ɨu]ː?m?[pb])([^ɨu])", "%1w%2")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "(ɨː?ʔ?m?)m([^ɨupbm])", "%1mɰ%2")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "(uː?ʔ?m?)m([^ɨupbm])", "%1mw%2")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "%f[%a](ɨː?ʔ?h?n?ŋ?[tkdɡsnɽð])([^ɨu])", "%1ɰ%2")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "(ɨː?ʔ?)ɽ([a][^ʔ])", "%1ɽɰ%2") -- not fully accurate; I haven’t succeeded in determining the full conditions of the actual rule
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "(ɨː?ʔ?)ɽã", "%1ɽɰã") -- continued
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "([ɨu]ː?ʔ?m?n?ɲ?ŋ?)β([^ɨu])", "%1w%2")

    -- nasals
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "ɲ[jð]", "ɲɲ")

    -- coalescence
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "hpʲ?", "h")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "ɨi%f[%A]", "i")

    -- non-phonemic vowel loss
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "%f[%a]ɨ([^ː])", "%1")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "%f[%a]i([^ː])", "%1")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "m([uɨ])%f[%A]", "m(%1)")

    -- different treatment of long high vowels
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "([iɨu])ːp", "%1pp")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "([iɨu])ːt", "%1tt")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "([iɨu])ːtʃ", "%1ttʃ")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "([iɨu])ːk", "%1kk")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "([iɨu])ːb", "%1bb")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "([iɨu])ːd", "%1dd")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "([iɨu])ːɡ", "%1ɡɡ")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "([iɨu])ːf", "%1hf")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "([iɨu])ːs", "%1hs")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "([iɨu])ːʃ", "%1hʃ")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "([iɨu])ːm", "%1mm")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "([iɨu])ːn", "%1nn")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "([iɨu])ːɲ", "%1ɲɲ")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "([iɨu])ːŋ", "%1ŋŋ")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "([iɨu])ːj", "%1jj")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "([iɨu])ːð", "%1ðð")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "([iɨu])ːw", "%1ww")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "([iɨu])ːβ", "%1ββ")

    -- coalescence of palatalizing diphthongs
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "([aeiouɨ])ipʲ", "%1ppʲ")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "([aeiouɨ])itʃ", "%1ttʃ")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "([aeiouɨ])iʃ", "%1hʃ")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "([aeiouɨ])ibʲ", "%1bbʲ")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "([aeiouɨ])idʲ", "%1ddʲ")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "([aeiouɨ])iɡʲ", "%1ɡɡʲ")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "([aeiouɨ])imʲ", "%1mmʲ")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "([aeiouɨ])iɲ", "%1ɲɲ")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "([aeiouɨ])ij", "%1jj")

    phonetic = export.finalize_IPA(phonetic)

	return "[" .. phonetic .. "]"

function export.to_West_Surinamese_IPA(word)
	local phonetic = word

    -- voicing
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "([mnɲŋ])p", "%1b")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "([mnɲŋ])t", "%1d")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "([mnɲŋ])k", "%1ɡ")

	-- palatalization
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "kʲ", "c")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "ŋɡʲ", "ɲɟ")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "ɡʲ", "ɟ")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "([aeiouɨ]i)ɲ([aeiouɨãẽĩõũɨ̃])", "%1j%2")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "([aeiouɨ]i)ɾ([^i])", "%1dʝ%2")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "%f[%a](iː?ʔ?h?)ɾ([^i])", "%1dʝ%2")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "([aeiouɨ]i)j([^i])", "%1ʝ%2")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "%f[%a](iː?ʔ?h?ɲ?)j([^i])", "%1ʝ%2")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "(iː?ʔ?h?ŋ?)w([^i])", "%1ɥ%2")

    -- allophone of w
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "w", "ʋ")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "(uː?ʔ?h?ŋ?)ʋ", "%1w")

    -- nasals
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "ɲ[jʝ]", "jj")

    -- non-phonemic vowel loss
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "%f[%a]ɨ([^ː])", "%1")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "%f[%a]i([^ːɾd])", "%1")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "m([uɨ])%f[%A]", "m(%1)")

    phonetic = export.finalize_IPA(phonetic)

	return "[" .. phonetic .. "]"

function export.to_East_Surinamese_IPA(word)
	local phonetic = word

	-- palatalization
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "tʲ", "c")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "kʲ", "c")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "dʲ", "ɟ")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "ɡʲ", "ɟ")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "ŋ([cɟ])", "ɲ%1")

    -- voicing
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "([aeiouɨ])i", "%1J")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "([aeiouɨ])ɨ", "%1Y")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "([aeiouɨ])u", "%1W")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "([maeiouɨ])p", "%1b")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "([naeiouɨ])t", "%1d")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "([ɲaeiouɨ])c", "%1ɟ")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "([ŋaeiouɨ])k", "%1ɡ")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "J", "i")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "Y", "ɨ")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "W", "u")

    -- nasals
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "ɲj", "jj")

    -- coalescence
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "%f[%a]ʃiʃ", "ʃː")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "%f[%a]ʃi([^ːɾ])", "ʃ%1")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "ʃb", "ʃp")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "ʃd", "ʃt")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "ʃɟ", "ʃc")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "ʃɡ", "ʃk")

    -- non-phonemic vowel loss
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "%f[%a]ɨ([^ː])", "%1")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "%f[%a]i([^ːɾ])", "%1")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "m([uɨ])%f[%A]", "m(%1)")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "([pbm]ɨʔ?h?)([pbm])", "(%1)%2")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "%(m", "m(")

    -- different treatment of stressed vowels and diphthongs before plosives
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "([aeiouɨ])ːp", "%1ʔp")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "([aeiouɨ])ːt", "%1ʔt")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "([aeiouɨ])ːc", "%1ʔc")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "([aeiouɨ])ːk", "%1ʔk")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "([aeiouɨ])ːb", "%1ʔb")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "([aeiouɨ])ːd", "%1ʔd")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "([aeiouɨ])ːɟ", "%1ʔɟ")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "([aeiouɨ])ːɡ", "%1ʔɡ")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "([aeiouɨ][iɨu])p", "%1hp")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "([aeiouɨ][iɨu])t", "%1ht")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "([aeiouɨ][iɨu])c", "%1hc")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "([aeiouɨ][iɨu])k", "%1hk")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "([aeiouɨ][iɨu])b", "%1hb")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "([aeiouɨ][iɨu])d", "%1hd")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "([aeiouɨ][iɨu])ɟ", "%1hɟ")
	phonetic = mw.ustring.gsub(phonetic, "([aeiouɨ][iɨu])ɡ", "%1hɡ")

    phonetic = export.finalize_IPA(phonetic)

	return "[" .. phonetic .. "]"

function export.pronunciation(word)
	local parent_args = word:getParent().args

	if type(word) == "table" then
		word = word.args[1] or word:getParent().args[1]
	if not word or (word == "") then
		word = PAGENAME

    local generate_ven = true
    local generate_wsur = true
    local generate_esur = true
    if parent_args['v'] == '0' then
        generate_ven = false
    if parent_args['w'] == '0' then
        generate_wsur = false
    if parent_args['e'] == '0' then
        generate_esur = false

    local final_text = ""
    local base_IPA = export.to_base_IPA(word)

    if generate_ven then
	    local items = {}
	    table.insert(items, {pron = export.to_Venezuelan_IPA(base_IPA), note = nil})
	    ven = m_IPA.format_IPA_full { lang = lang, items = items }

        final_text = final_text .. "* " .. m_a.format_qualifiers(lang, {"Venezuela"}) .. " " .. ven
        if generate_wsur or generate_esur then
            final_text = final_text .. "\n"

    if generate_wsur then
	    local items = {}
	    table.insert(items, {pron = export.to_West_Surinamese_IPA(base_IPA), note = nil})
	    wsur = m_IPA.format_IPA_full { lang = lang, items = items }

        final_text = final_text .. "* " .. m_a.format_qualifiers(lang, {"Tây Suriname"}) .. " " .. wsur
        if generate_esur then
            final_text = final_text .. "\n"

    if generate_esur then
	    local items = {}
	    table.insert(items, {pron = export.to_East_Surinamese_IPA(base_IPA), note = nil})
	    esur = m_IPA.format_IPA_full { lang = lang, items = items }

        final_text = final_text .. "* " .. m_a.format_qualifiers(lang, {"Đông Suriname"}) .. " " .. esur

    if generate_wsur and generate_esur and (wsur == esur) then
        if generate_ven then
            if ven == wsur then
                final_text = "* " .. ven
                final_text = "* " .. m_a.format_qualifiers(lang, {"Venezuela"}) .. " " .. ven .. "\n* " .. m_a.format_qualifiers(lang, {"Suriname"}) .. " " .. wsur
            final_text = "* " .. m_a.format_qualifiers(lang, {"Suriname"}) .. " " .. wsur
        if generate_wsur and generate_ven and (wsur == ven) then
            if generate_esur then
                final_text = "* " .. m_a.format_qualifiers(lang, {"Venezuela", "Tây Suriname"}) .. " " .. ven .. "\n* " .. m_a.format_qualifiers(lang, {"Đông Suriname"}) .. " " .. esur
                final_text = "* " .. m_a.format_qualifiers(lang, {"Venezuela", "Tây Suriname"}) .. " " .. ven

	return final_text

return export