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Tiếng Slav Giáo hội cổ


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Từ tiếng Slav nguyên thuỷ *dzělo.

Phó từ


ѕѣло (dzělo)

  1. Rất.
    • Vita Methodii, 1100600-1100610:
      етеръ дроугъ богатъ зѣло и съвѣтьникъ ожени сѧ коупетрою своѥю, рекъше ꙗтръвью.
      eterŭ drugŭ bogatŭ zělo i sŭvětĭnikŭ oženi sę kupetroju svojeju, rekŭše jatrŭvĭju.
      A certain very wealthy friend and councilor of the Prince married his fellow godparent, that is, his brother’s wife.
    • from the Homily against the Bogumils, 1945-1946:
      ѕело бо сѫтъ лѫкави крꙑѭще на дънѣ срьдьца мꙑсли своѩ.
      dzelo bo sǫtŭ lǫkavi kryjǫšte na dŭně srĭdĭca mysli svoję.
      for they are very cunning, and hide their thoughts in the depths of their heart.