Thể loại:Biến thể hình thái danh từ tiếng Anh
Trang trong thể loại “Biến thể hình thái danh từ tiếng Anh”
Thể loại này chứa 200 trang sau, trên tổng số 826 trang.
(Trang trước) (Trang sau)&
- abbreviations
- abbreviators
- ABC books
- ABCs
- abdications
- abdicators
- abdomens
- abductors
- abecedarians
- aberrations
- abilities
- abscisses
- absolute values
- academies
- accidents
- accounts
- Achilles' heels
- activities
- actors
- acute triangles
- additions
- Adelaideans
- Adelaidians
- Adelie penguins
- Adidases
- Adjarans
- Adonises
- Adrianopolitans
- Adullamites
- Advent calendars
- Adventists
- adverse effects
- adversities
- afterglows
- agencies
- aggiornamentos
- airbags
- airports
- airships
- air traffic controllers
- Albertans
- albumens
- albumins
- algebraists
- algebras
- allergies
- alternators
- ameliorations
- Amerinds
- amigos
- Amorites
- Amors
- Amsterdamers
- Anabaptists
- analysts
- anastigmatic lenses
- Anatolians
- Anatolias
- Andalusians
- Andeans
- Angevins
- Anglicanisms
- Anglicans
- Anglicists
- Anglo-Saxons
- anniversaries
- anthologies
- antibiotics
- antics
- antimacassars
- antisymmetries
- anxieties
- apartments
- appeals
- aquacultures
- aquicultures
- archaeologists
- areas
- arsons
- arteries
- artifacts
- aspersions
- associations
- asterisks
- asteroids
- astigmatic lenses
- astroids
- astrophysicists
- asylums
- ATMs
- authors
- automatic teller machines
- axes
- axolotls
- ayahuascas
- Baalists
- Babylonians
- baby seats
- Bacchanalians
- back-formations
- backgrounds
- backhouses
- backsides
- backyards
- Bactrians
- Baggies
- Baghdadis
- Bahamians
- Bahrainis
- Bajans
- balconies
- ballpoints
- balls
- bantamweights
- barycenters
- barycentres
- basements
- bathrooms
- batteries
- beam compasses
- bearer securities
- beaucoups
- beauties
- beauts
- becquerels
- bed and breakfasts
- bedrolls
- bedrooms
- beds
- beers
- behaviors
- belfries
- bell-wethers
- bellwethers
- beneficiaries
- bents
- berries
- bettors
- bibles
- bijections
- binaries
- biochemists
- biographies
- biologists
- biomedicals
- biophysicists
- birds of prey
- bits
- blackberries
- blackjacks
- blankets
- blockhouses
- blogs
- blueberries
- boathouses
- boings
- boners
- bonus holes
- bookcases
- bookstores
- boondoggles
- bootlaces
- botanists
- Botany Bay dozens
- bottle kilns
- bottle ovens
- bouffages
- boys
- brand associations
- brand names
- brand personalities
- brevities
- bridgeheads
- brights
- bristletails
- broadsides
- broadtails
- Brobdingnagians
- brooms
- bruhs
- buggies
- bullheads
- bullnoses
- burgees
- Bushisms
- butter teas
- buttstocks
- buys