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Thảo luận Thành viên:MuDavid/trước 2015

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Từ điển mở Wiktionary

Re: Hi


Congratulations on reaching the 200 words! No, this site isn't very "templatized" at the moment - the only templates used on each page are the names of languages, used in the Translations section. (You can thank GerardM for that.)

I've been meaning to synchronize this site's interface with the Vietnamese Wikipedia's, because we've translated a lot there in the past couple months. "Template" in Vietnamese is tiêu bản, but it probably wouldn't matter: since MediaWiki doesn't have a full software translation for Vietnamese yet, we can't customize the namespaces. So whenever you link to a template, you'll have to use Template:Liên quan Wiktionary, for example. And whenever you include a template, you use {{Liên quan Wiktionary}}

Personally, I don't think that wikis are ideal for dictionaries or thesaurii - the data is too structured for the freestyle wiki format - but I'd be glad to work with you on this project. – Minh Nguyễn (thảo luận, blog) 06:14, 3 Mar 2005 (UTC)

I have seen several Wiktionaries (and one Wikipedia: the Toki Pona one) become case-sensitive, but I'm not sure how to go about it, and how useful it would be. I think I'd have to ask the developers to do it for us – but chances are that they won't ever notice the request: I've been asking them to import the vi: interface for the Vietnamese Wikibooks for some time, but nothing has happened yet. So even if I do ask around, we'd have to wait forever for the change. For sure, going case-sensitive will break many of the links already here. Can you make a case for going case-sensitive? If you'd just like the first letter of the page's title to be lowercase, but have the wiki remain case-sensitive, I can do that by editing the site's CSS file. – Minh Nguyễn (thảo luận, blog) 06:02, 5 Mar 2005 (UTC)

See User talk:Mxn/2005#Cases.

I wonder if what you're asking about is really case-sensitivity. Because, for example, WikiWoordenboek already points to a different page than Wikiwoordenboek. It's just the first letter that always gets capitalized. If you don't like the first letter being capitalized, I can come up with a decent solution by changing the stylesheet (CSS) for this site.

Also, I've moved the templates back.

 – Minh Nguyễn (thảo luận, blog) 23:05, 5 Mar 2005 (UTC)

See User talk:Mxn/2005#Cases.

I just thought of something: the CSS fix I told you about won't work, becuase it'll turn the first letter of every title lowercase, whether it should be or not. I still don't see what's so important about making the Vietnamese wiki completely case-sensitive, though; since the meaning can't change if it's uppercased… – Minh Nguyễn (thảo luận, blog) 20:34, 6 Mar 2005 (UTC)

See User talk:Mxn/2005#Cases.

I've been thinking about this a bit, and I'm not sure this is worth the hassle of renaming pages, etc. If this is such an issue, then why doesn't the English Wiktionary do the same? I know that for Wikipedia and the other wiki projects, the reasoning has always been that the titles use "lazy title case", which in most languages (except for toki Pona (Tokipona) and tlhIngan Hol (Klingon), as far as I know) would have the first word always capitalized, but wouldn't capitalize the other words in the title unless it were necessary.

For the record, though, this wiki is actually case-sensitive; it just capitalizes the first word of every title, just as you would capitalize the first word of every sentence. I don't know Dutch or French, but you still capitalize the first letter of every sentence, even if it would normally change the word's meaning, don't you? (By the way, I realize that français as an adjective would never appear at the beginning of a sentence, but anyways…)

 – Minh Nguyễn (thảo luận, blog) 02:28, 12 Mar 2005 (UTC)

See User talk:Mxn/2005#Cases.

Alright I guess. I have a question though: are usernames case-sensitive as well? Because otherwise someone could now take the name "mxn" and there could be some confusion. If that can't be done, then I might try and rename my userpage, since I chose the name "mxn" before I knew that MediaWiki would automatically capitalize the M. Oops. :) – Minh Nguyễn (thảo luận, blog) 19:23, 12 Mar 2005 (UTC)

Blocked by SORBS


I have been adding interwiki links to the nl: entries that correspond to the entries you've created here. But nl: is now blocking me, because my ISP allegedly uses an open proxy, although that doesn't seem to be the case. So can you start adding links to vi: and en: entries of the same name over at nl:? Thanks. – Minh Nguyễn (thảo luận, blog) 00:46, 7 Apr 2005 (UTC)

From what I've seen, most of the bots work on the Wikipedias, but even there, they don't seem to be adding interwiki links that often anymore. I hadn't bothered to register there before they started blocking open proxies, because I didn't think I'd contribute that often. But ever since they started blocking open proxies, they've started to block open proxy users from registering, too. Oh well. – Minh Nguyễn (thảo luận, blog) 21:35, 7 Apr 2005 (UTC)

Sorry, I was thinking of making you a sysop long ago, but I completely forgot about it. Luckily, I now have bureaucrat rights on this wiki (something I just became aware of), so I was able to make you a sysop without having to deal with RfA at Meta, which would take forever. – Minh Nguyễn (thảo luận, blog) 6 July 2005 02:33 (UTC)

Other languages like Spanish have words like that too. I just use {{m}} & {{f}}, since that's what I see very often at en: and in my own paper dictionaries. By the way, I think it would be "chung", not "chúng", and I'm not sure that anyone would understand "gch", unfortunately. – Minh Nguyễn (thảo luận, blog) 18:32, 29 July 2005 (UTC)

Yes, now that Bug 2143 has been (partially) fixed, all the standalone, Vietnamese-language sites should now be using the new Vietnamese localization. Finally. It looks like what you've done so far is working, though I'll poke around some more to find out for sure. It looks like Trần Thế Trung did a really good job with the translation; I have few gripes to speak of. It must've been hard work!

I haven't done any growth modeling of my own for a few months, but yes, exponential growth is what I got too. And R²=0,9899 is really good compared to some of the stuff I had to deal with in Calculus class last year. :^) I've been paying attention to w:en:Wikipedia:Multilingual statistics, and it looks like we've been doing a good job compared to some of the other wikis, actually surpassing some wikis that had ran right by us in the early days.

I would help you out some more with Wiktionary, but between getting ready for school later this month, finishing up my Google Summer of Code project, and keeping afloat of the flood of changes going on at Wikipedia tiếng Việt, there's not much time left. If it's any comfort, this project is now at the stage that w:vi: was in when I was the sole contributor. So in a few months, loads of people will discover this site and turn it into another w:vi:!

 – Minh Nguyễn (thảo luận, blog) 18:41, ngày 05 tháng 9 năm 2 005 (UTC)

Re: Trang Chính mới của tôi


Thì cứ thay thiết kế rồi người nào có thể chỉnh sửa tí sau đó, tại vì cộng đồng ở đây vẫn còn nhỏ, cho nên việc thay đổi Trang Chính thì không phải vấn đề nặng nề lắm. Chắc tốt hơn nếu thiết kế của các dự án Wikimedia tiếng Việt giống nhau, nhưng thiết kế của bạn vẫn nhìn đẹp hơn thiết kế hiện hành.

Muốn nhắc anh chia các đoạn của thiết kế ra thành tiêu bản riêng, và chắc cần cập nhật danh sách phiên bản ngôn ngữ theo cổng chính của Wiktionary. Ngoài ra, tại vì có thể là độc giả vẫn muốn thăm dò Wiktionary bằng thể loại (có lẽ muốn nhớ thuộc các thuật ngữ trong một môn học), nên bỏ danh sách chủ đề vào trang riêng, có thể gọi Wiktionary:Chủ đề; thêm vào đó, chúng ta có thể liệt kê các danh sách thuật ngữ ở đấy.

Bạn có muốn tiếp tục liệt kê các mục từ mới vào Trang Chính không? Theo tôi, danh sách đó dễ cập nhật; khi nào mà tôi "Wiktionary hóa" một mục từ của người khác thì tôi cũng cộng thêm vào danh sách đó.

Nếu có giờ rảnh, tôi sẽ đặt thiết kế giống này cho Wiktionary:Cộng đồng, có tin tức về dự án, liên kết đến công cụ hữu ích, danh sách mục từ yêu cầu, và danh sách thảo luận mới.

– Minh Nguyễn (thảo luận, nhật ký) 22:10, ngày 04 tháng 2 năm 2006 (UTC)Trả lời

Có lẽ chúng ta có thể hợp nhất hai danh sách thể loại ngôn ngữ và mục từ mới, bằng cách liên kết "Việt", "Hà Lan", "Tupi", v.v. trong danh sách thứ hai đến thể loại nếu có, hoặc mục từ về ngôn ngữ đó nếu không có thể loại. Trừ đó thì tôi rất thích thiết kế của bạn, tại nó đơn giản lắm. Khi tôi trả lời lần đầu tiên, tôi chỉ muốn nói là nếu các dự án Wikimedia tiếng Việt có thiết kế giống nhau thì những độc giả có thể nhìn thấy rõ ràng các dự án này có liên quan với nhau.

By the way, chắc bạn chưa thấy đề nghị của tôi về thiết kế mới cho Trang Chính ở Wikipedia tiếng Việt. Bạn tạm thời cần phải cộng thêm mã vào stylesheet và script cá nhân của bạn để thấy nó đúng kiểu, xem trang thảo luận này để biết cách. Đại khái là tôi chia ra trang thành ba bốn tab riêng, để làm trang gọn gàng hơn. Nếu trình duyệt không hỗ trợ JavaScript hay độc giả đang sử dụng ngoại hình khác với Monobook, thì trang đó vẫn hiển thị giống thiết kế hiện hành. Tôi đề nghị thay thiết kế hiện hành với thiết kế này lúc khi Wikipedia tiếng Việt tới 10.000 bài. Xin bạn đưa ý kiến ở trang thảo luận đó.

 – Minh Nguyễn (thảo luận, nhật ký) 02:38, ngày 09 tháng 2 năm 2006 (UTC)Trả lời

Here's how you can get my test design to work (users won't have to do this if and when we switch over to the new design):

  1. Go to your user script at Wikipedia.
  2. Paste the following code into that file:

/* Chia ra Thành viên:Mxn/Trang Chính 3 thành tab */ /* Dựa trên mã nguồn của wikibits.js */

// fold sections for Trang Chính // XXX: needs testing on IE/Mac and safari // more comments to follow function tabbedsects() {

       var container = document.getElementById('page-sects');
       if (!container || !document.createElement) return;
       if (container.nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'a') return; // Occasional IE problem
       container.className = container.className + 'jsprefs';
       var sections = new Array();
       children = container.childNodes;
       var seci = 0;
       for (i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
               if (children[i].nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'div') {
                       children[i].id = 'prefsection-' + seci;
                       children[i].className = 'prefsection';
                       if (is_opera || is_khtml)
                               children[i].className = 'prefsection operaprefsection';
                       legends = children[i].getElementsByTagName('h2');
                       sections[seci] = new Object();
                       legends[0].className = 'mainLegend';
                       if (legends[0] && legends[0].firstChild.nodeValue)
                               sections[seci].text = legends[0].firstChild.nodeValue;
                               sections[seci].text = '# ' + seci;
                       sections[seci].secid = children[i].id;
                       if (sections.length != 1) children[i].style.display = 'none';
                       else var selectedid = children[i].id;
       var toc = document.createElement('ul');
       toc.id = 'preftoc';
       toc.selectedid = selectedid;
       for (i = 0; i < sections.length; i++) {
               var li = document.createElement('li');
               if (i == 0) li.className = 'selected';
               var a = document.createElement('a');
               a.href = '#' + sections[i].secid;
               a.onmousedown = a.onclick = uncoversection;
               a.secid = sections[i].secid;
       container.parentNode.insertBefore(toc, container.parentNode.childNodes[0]);



  1. Go to your user stylesheet.
  2. Paste the following code into that file:

/* Chia ra [[Thành viên:Mxn/Trang Chính 3]] thành tab */ /* Dựa trên mã nguồn của [http://vi.wikipedia.org/skins-1.5/monobook/main.css] */

  1. page-body #preftoc {

font-size: larger; } .prefsection > table { border: 1px solid #aaa; float: left; padding-left: 2% !important; padding-right: 2% !important; /* margin-right: 2em; */ } .prefsection h2 { font-weight: bold; } .prefsection > table, .prefsection h2 { background-color: #F9F9F9; }

And voilà! The test design will have each section in tabs, just like the Preferences page under the Monobook skin.

(And by the way, how do you say "by the way" in Vietnamese? :^) )

 – Minh Nguyễn (thảo luận, nhật ký) 02:11, ngày 11 tháng 2 năm 2006 (UTC)Trả lời

Thực sự tôi không đề nghị chia Trang Chính của Wiktionary thành tab do lý do bạn đã cho, nhưng tôi muốn nghĩ đến làm những thiết kế nhìn giống nhau. Theo bạn, đề nghị của tôi có cần thêm màu không? Tôi biết là những website Á Đông thường có màu mè lắm, chắc nhiều người thăm sẽ cảm thấy không hay... – Minh Nguyễn (thảo luận, đóng góp) 07:49, ngày 14 tháng 2 năm 2006 (UTC)Trả lời

Re: E-mail


Tôi không thể nào sửa nó. Nhiều khi tôi nhận thư bị như vậy, nhưng không từ Wikipedia hay Wiktionary, tôi có thể chọn bảng mã trong menu View của Thunderbird. Bạn đang sử dụng trình thư điện tử hay trình duyệt (nếu dùng webmail) nào? Tôi chỉ lấy ra được những chữ này:

— xác nhận rằng tài khoản này c— b— và d— chức năng thư điện tử ở Wiktionary, xin mở đ— ch— m— sau.

Như bạn có thể xem rõ ràng, bạn cần phải hỏi họ gửi thẳng từ địa chỉ thư điện tử của họ. Tôi không biết tại sao bạn đang nhận thư điện tử bị "mật mã hóa" như vậy, tôi vẫn tiếp tục nhận từ Wikipedia hoài không sao.

 – Minh Nguyễn (thảo luận, đóng góp) 07:15, ngày 06 tháng 3 năm 2006 (UTC)Trả lời

Trần Thế Trung


Trần Thế Trung yêu cầu quyền quản lý ở đây hôm qua. Xin anh đưa ý kiến. – Minh Nguyễn (thảo luận, đóng góp) 23:38, ngày 12 tháng 3 năm 2006 (UTC)Trả lời

Re WiktionaryZ


Xin lỗi bạn là tôi đã trả lời muộn. Tôi dạo này hơi bận với Wikipedia tiếng Việt và dự án dịch KDE tiếng Việt. Tôi sẽ nghiên cứu WiktionaryZ, cám ơn bạn đã nhắn tin. Trần Thế Trung 20:34, ngày 30 tháng 5 năm 2006 (UTC)Trả lời

Trả lời

Free Vietnamese Dictionary Project


Chào David,

Nếu bạn có thời gian, mời bạn đọc qua Thảo luận Thành viên:Laurent Bouvier#Vietnamien 2. Có thể bạn cũng thấy việc này thú vị.Trần Thế Trung 08:28, ngày 8 tháng 6 năm 2006 (UTC)Trả lời

Nonexistent Russian words


The Russian conjugation templates sometimes produce nonexistent words. I created Thể loại:Định nghĩa sai, where I'll add entries as people raise complaints like at Thảo luận:чокаться. Could you please check this category periodically? Thanks. – Nguyễn Xuân Minh (thảo luận, đóng góp) 21:45, 16 tháng 11 2006 (UTC)

Xin lỗi


Rất xin lỗi vì tôi đã tự tiện sửa đổi trang cá nhân của anh, nhưng tôi thấy nó bị sai lỗi chính tả (nơi chứ không phải ni), nên muốn sửa giúp anh thôi, anh còn bị sai về ngữ pháp nữa. Nhưng tôi chưa có sửa.

Thân ái!---Silviculture 11:12, ngày 11 tháng 12 năm 2006 (UTC)Trả lời

Không phiền, bạn ạ. Tôi biết rằng tôi chưa nói tiếng Việt giỏi lắm và tôi thường bị sai. Rất cám ơn bạn nói với tôi, và mời sửa hơn nữa. Tôi rất muốn học và nói biết tiếng Việt giỏi hơn. Thân mến, David Da Vit 18:22, ngày 16 tháng 12 năm 2006 (UTC)Trả lời

Re: Russian conjugations


Well, how about I add a warning to the conjugation tables for now? (That doesn't require any bottage, just Đặc biệt:Prefixindex/Tiêu bản:rus-.) The hard part for me is that I know absolutely no Russian, and the only way I can "read" Cyrillic is by running it through a Latin transliterator. If you can figure out which ru: template corresponds to which vi: template, we can tweak our templates accordingly, and if need be, I can run a bot to change the forms as well. – Nguyễn Xuân Minh (thảo luận, đóng góp) 07:37, ngày 9 tháng 4 năm 2007 (UTC)Trả lời

Hi! Sorry, but I have no idea how non-manually I could help you in the situation. I use one very good on-line dictionary but it gives only difficult and non-standard forms, and I'm not sure if it would be OK to import it. (If you want to have a look: gramota.ru.) You're very right saying that Russian isn't bot friendly with all that exceptions and the moving stress.
Maybe I should explain how it happened that I have appeared at the Vietnamese Wiktionary. I thought that it may seem strange, after all I don't speak the language. At the Polish project we have a bot that creates interwiki links and I follow them to check articles. I was amazed that you have so many Russian words! As I was describing mostly nouns, only sometimes existence of plural forms at your Wiki surprised me. But recently I've started to add verbs and discovered the truth. It is very important now that you mark somehow in different languages those articles that are potentially wrong. It's really confusing and misleading for users.
If you decide to do something manually you can count on my help with checking the conjugation, just tell me. :) Rovdyr 23:20, ngày 18 tháng 4 năm 2007 (UTC)Trả lời

@ Rovdyr: I added a warning in Russian. I hope I did not murder the language too much (maybe you should check, I saw it's a native language to you)...
Anyway, to come to a definitive solution, I've been sauntering around a bit at the Russian Wiktionary to see how they did it. They have tens, maybe hundreds of different templates, all for a different kind of conjugation/declension. That's the way it should be, according to me. I think we had better delete what we have here and copy the tables from the Russian wiki.
@ Minh: That will cost botting, and you're the expert in that (if you don't find anyone else to delegate, that is). If it's okay for you, this is my plan: We just copy literally from the Russian Wiki (so we'll have things like Tiêu bản:Гл4a-ш-ся and that kind of thing around here...) and then we import and translate all the templates themselves (I can do that). I don't have the impression the Russian Wiktionary had as many words as we have around here, so there will probably be many, many words left over with the old templates, but that's for later worrying.
Awaiting your reply(ies), David Da Vit 12:43, ngày 21 tháng 4 năm 2007 (UTC)Trả lời

As a first step, we can blank {{rus-conj}} and {{rus-decl}}, which we know to be wrong. So there aren't any correct Russian conjugation/declension tables here, right? If that's the case, we can also blank {{rus-conj-imperf}}, as well as {{ru-biến ngôi-chưa hoàn thành}} and {{ru-biến ngôi-hoàn thành}}, which you created some time ago. For more information on the minor controversy, see [1] and [2] (along with the followups there). As for directly importing the Russian Wiktionary's templates, that's sounds fine. They're the experts at Russian conjugation, as far as I'm concerned. Please prefix any imported templates with "Tiêu bản:rus-", though; that way we can find them all if there are any mistakes. – Nguyễn Xuân Minh (thảo luận, đóng góp) 19:24, ngày 21 tháng 4 năm 2007 (UTC)Trả lời

Great that the warning message appeared in Russian, but there are a few mistakes. I would write it like that: Внимание! В этом шаблоне используется {{шаблон rus-decl}}. Может быть, что ошибки на этой странице тоже и на многих других. Способ исправления обсуждайте пожалуйста тут: Wiktionary:Thảo luận. Спасибо.
It's a good idea to copy from the Russian Wiktionary, but I must warn you that they have there a lot of articles created by a bot, and being just empty templates, absolutely without any kind of information (something about 80,000 articles per 110,000 they have, I don't know how many for Russian in particular). It's possible that you'll copy tables without content, so program your bot that it recognises the case. If it happens that you'll have words with unchanged inflexion I suggest deleting them. I think it's better than giving not checked information.
@ Minh: It's not so that whole amount of tables is wrong, but the classification of verbs and nouns is too simplified to give the proper form in every case. Rovdyr 20:09, ngày 21 tháng 4 năm 2007 (UTC)Trả lời

Thermodynamics' second law has done it's work: the templates are gone. I kept the roots (rus-conj... itself) since the tables can always be re-used when we do it over. Maybe this time we should start with the adjectives. Those are a lot easier (for some reason adjectives are easier in morphology in all languages I have ever come across). David Da Vit 18:51, ngày 22 tháng 4 năm 2007 (UTC)Trả lời

I suppose that's because verbs can be used to convey all kinds of information about the sentence, from time and place to extremes like whether is was hot outside when the event occured. Well, okay, maybe not. But adjectives modify only their antecedents, so they can't exactly "soak up" details from the rest of the sentence.

Could Unimorph be of any use for our little reconjugation project? They don't permit use without permission of the author, but as it's run by a university department, maybe we could ask and obtain permission to reuse some of the content under less stringent terms.

 – Nguyễn Xuân Minh (thảo luận, đóng góp) 01:52, ngày 25 tháng 4 năm 2007 (UTC)Trả lời

Ooh, I think I found something even better: ddc-morph-rus, which describes itself as a "russian morphology module". The webpage that the listing points to no longer exists, but the Wayback Machine, as always, has it covered. Their website is primarily in German, so you might be able to make more of it than I can. My understanding is that, since pbone.net lists Linux RPMs, the RPMs should be under something like the GPL. I haven't had a chance to download it and look, though, since I'm on a Mac, and installing RPMs will take some work. – Nguyễn Xuân Minh (thảo luận, đóng góp) 01:57, ngày 25 tháng 4 năm 2007 (UTC)Trả lời

And φaind, apparently licensed under the LGPL [3], might have something useful. Like the ddc-morph-rus package, it's intended for command-line searching, so it'll take a bit of work to turn its rules into an elegant table. – Nguyễn Xuân Minh (thảo luận, đóng góp) 02:03, ngày 25 tháng 4 năm 2007 (UTC)Trả lời

I had a look at Unimorph and that one's not much use, I think. But I found the greatest link of all there: Starling. They even have Vietnamese etymology there... It is copyrighted and the guy who made it seemed to have passed away recently, so I don't know about copyright status. Anyhow I think it would be worth enquiring.
I don't entirely understand what the ddc-morph-rus is about. I went to their site in German and I only see stuff about the DWDS, the Digital Dictionary of German Language. Nothing to do with Russian morphology as far as I can see. And φaind (correct me if I'm wrong) seems to me to be a program to search databases while taking into account deflected forms. It still needs a dictionary from somewhere else, I have the impression.
And I indeed found empty tables at the Russian Wiktionary, as Rovdyr warned. I had found plenty of empty articles there already, but mainly about words in other languages. Apperently the emptiness there is more widespread than I had originally noticed.
If all else fails, we can always do with what we have and see how far we get. I don't think it's a shame if we didn't have a full conjugation for every single word. They don't have that at the English or French versions and they are the only ones being bigger than we now are.
Greets, David Da Vit 15:40, ngày 25 tháng 4 năm 2007 (UTC)Trả lời
P.S.: It's hot outside now. What kind of verb forms am I exactly supposed to use? :-p

Starling seems to be run by S. Starostin's son Georgiy now. Although the site doesn't seem to have any copyright information readily available, they have forums where we could contact them. Fortunately for us, many linguists view Wikipedia and its sister projects favorably, so we have a shot at getting permission from them. (Regarding the verb forms: that depends if the heat is masculine or feminine, and whether it is countable or uncountable. And if you're recording temperature in kelvins, I can't help you there. :^) ) – Nguyễn Xuân Minh (thảo luận, đóng góp) 09:51, ngày 26 tháng 4 năm 2007 (UTC)Trả lời

That's a good idea. Or else we can mail them, maybe that's more personal... Will you do it or had you rather I tried for once? Your not having commented on my English for so long tells me I should manage, won't I? I just don't get the temperature stuff: In physics it's a long-known fact that units shouldn't matter. Do they matter in English? Now there's a weird language...
And in the meantime I've had another idea: We could import English morpholgy from the English Wiktionary. Most words have it, there, and given the world's tendencies nowadays it may be more useful. I think the promotor of my doctorate is about the only person in the world believing everybody should learn Russian. Maybe I should convert him to Vietnamese. :-)
And yet another idea I had: We have pronounciation now for all Vietnamese words, using that wonderful template. To the Russian words I added in my time I added a transcription into Latin alphabet. The correspondence between Russian script and transcription is not more complicated than Vietnamese pronouncation given the spelling, so maybe we could add that as well. Maybe we could extend that to Russian pronounciation, but that would be a little more difficult with the vowel reduction and all, but IMHO not impossible.
And in the meantime I'm trying to reach one thousand Vietnamese words in the Dutch Wiktionary before my birthday. It will be close. Greets, David Da Vit 21:48, ngày 28 tháng 4 năm 2007 (UTC)Trả lời

Well, I tried writing the letter myself, but it's hard because I'm not quite familiar with the issue we're having here, as I can't read any Russian whatsoever. For all I know, using kelvins rather than Celsius would mean the verb is spelled backwards in Russian. :^P  Actually, while we've just been joking about a horribly conjugated but theoretical language, I wouldn't be entirely surprised if some constructed language did just that...

Your English is very good; you've clearly earned the {{User eng-3}} on your user page. So I wouldn't mind at all if you tried your hand at contacting them. If it helps, here's what I've come up with so far; feel free to expand on it or write a letter from scratch:

I am an administrator at the Vietnamese-language edition of Wiktionary (a "sister project" of Wikipedia that is compiling a dictionary). We include definitions for over 200,000 words both in the Vietnamese language and in other languages. Entries from the Free Vietnamese Dictionary Project, a well-respected set of translating dictionaries online, comprise the majority of our entries.
About a year ago, a user at our site wrote a script to automatically add tens of thousands of dictionary entries to the site. Although most of these entries are of acceptable quality, it seems that this user's script had added oversimplified conjugation and declension tables to nearly every Russian entry. I do not speak any Russian, but other users have mentioned that the script used an oversimplified classification of verbs and nouns, leading to incorrect conjugations in many cases.
We became aware of the Tower of Babel website within the past week and are impressed with the sheer amount of information you provide. We would be indebted to you for any Russian morphological information that you could provide us with, which we would use to replace the incorrect information already on our site. However, we are particularly interested in the "Việt-Mường etymology" database included at your site. Except for loanwords from French, Chinese, or English, etymologies of Vietnamese words are vanishingly rare, online or otherwise.
We realize that these databases have been compiled from a variety of sources, and promise to provide credit on every page based on Tower of Babel databases. Wiktionary only permits text in the public domain or licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License (GFDL). Licensing under the GFDL, an open source license, essentially allows anyone to use and contribute to the work, as long as they afford the same rights to others. We kindly ask you permission to reproduce the contents of the Russian morphology database and/or Việt-Mường etymological database under the terms of the GFDL, if you have the rights to do so. If not, we would greatly appreciate if you could clarify the copyright or licensing status of these databases.

It's kind of long and drawn out, but it's a start. :^) Regarding the English morphology: I've adapted some of the English morphology tables for this site already: {{eng-noun}} is completely compatible with the English version, as are {{eng-adj}} and {{eng-adv}}. {{eng-verb}} is a little tricker: it should be more or less compatible, but it should be placed below the definitions, rather than in that "declension line" (right below the part of speech tag), since it creates a large, collapsable table of conjugations. For the templates that are compatible, we can import them painlessly.

As you've probably noticed by now, I've been pretty slow to do any bottage, but importing the English morphology tables should be straightforward enough that it'll be the first thing I do when I get the bot account set up here. Right now, I'm also trying to learn MySQL a bit more, because I'd like to finally import all the Vietnamese placenames that I have stored as a MySQL database right now.

 – Nguyễn Xuân Minh (thảo luận, đóng góp) 01:21, ngày 29 tháng 4 năm 2007 (UTC)Trả lời

Russian transliteration


Also, I'm not sure if you're familiar with {{etym-from}}, a template I created awhile back to standardize the etymologies in a machine-and-human-readable format. It's pretty inflexible, so we need to create templates like {{etym-abbr}} and {{etym-corruption}} that can be used in conjunction with it. And would you like me to create a transliterating template based on Wiktionary:Phiên âm của tiếng Nga? The stress and palatization modifiers and would make things a bit complicated, but the basic transliteration should be fairly easy, based on that table. – Nguyễn Xuân Minh (thảo luận, đóng góp) 01:30, ngày 29 tháng 4 năm 2007 (UTC)Trả lời

I've created the template {{RusTrans}}. There's just a little problem and I believe it is because it needs to call itself. I've been experimenting a bit and the other templates I created to go with it ({{RusV}}, {{RusTC}}, {{RusTV}}, {{RusTVs}}, {{RusSyll}} and {{Rus1C}}) do work. If you could just have a look at that loop-calling... David Da Vit 13:09, ngày 29 tháng 4 năm 2007 (UTC)Trả lời

I know there are restrictions on recursion (which is what you're trying to do). Perhaps you could create a dummy template and call it inside of RusTrans; that template would then call RusTrans with the same arguments. – Nguyễn Xuân Minh (thảo luận, đóng góp) 21:27, ngày 29 tháng 4 năm 2007 (UTC)Trả lời

Hm, that didn't work... Have you taken a look at m:Help:Template? They have some tips and code for getting around the recursion restriction. m:Template:For works, but you need to provide some subroutines first. – Nguyễn Xuân Minh (thảo luận, đóng góp) 21:37, ngày 29 tháng 4 năm 2007 (UTC)Trả lời

To be honest, I did have a look there. That's when I decided to shout for help. I've been searching around again this evening, and the only thing I found is that of old there was a limit on how many times a template could be reused, to make sure not infinite recursion could happen, and now they changed it to prohibiting a template from calling itself. I don't know if For would work, though – it seems to me it repeats a template, it doesn't give a recursion...

The reason I did it this way is that the transliteration of a vowel depends on what comes in before. If there is another way of deciding that, I can't find it (except in this, but it seems not to be installed here). It will need some more thinking, I guess...

I'm going to sleep. David Da Vit 23:02, ngày 30 tháng 4 năm 2007 (UTC)Trả lời

I had another idea, which should work, but for some reason it doesn't. I started with short templates {{Rus2}}, {{Rus3}}, {{Rus4}} and {{Rus6}}, planning to go on with {{Rus9}}, {{Rus16}} and {{Rus30}}. But for some reason the {{Rus6}} doesn't work. It may be because all conditional expressions are always evaluated, even if they don't have to, and so I'm using the same templates ({{RusSyll}}, {{Rus2}}...) over and over again. And I suppose the template limit is reached too fast that way and it doesn't work anymore. What should I do? Make redirects, copy the templates...? Or is something else wrong? David Da Vit 12:45, ngày 1 tháng 5 năm 2007 (UTC)Trả lời
Try making redirects first; if that doesn't work, then resort to copy-pasting templates. Duplicate templates are kind of hard to maintain though, so that should be a last resort. – Nguyễn Xuân Minh (thảo luận, đóng góp) 19:33, ngày 1 tháng 5 năm 2007 (UTC)Trả lời

It's definitely not the template limit. I did the experiment this evening and using the same template one thousand times just gives the same text one thousand times over and over again. I very much doubt {{Rus6}} uses any one template that often. I don't think making redirects or copies will help. I won't have the time to look at it tomorrow, so I'll see on Friday. If I can't find what's wrong, I'll try yet something else. I think I have another idea for doing it with slightly less template calling, but it will be more messy, I'm afraid. David Da Vit 20:54, ngày 2 tháng 5 năm 2007 (UTC)Trả lời

It works!
I'm happy now. :-) David Da Vit 16:02, ngày 6 tháng 5 năm 2007 (UTC)Trả lời
Cool, congratulations! You've probably noticed that I've been changing links from w:IPA to Wiktionary:IPA on all our entries, using my new ⁓bot. At this rate, it'll take nearly another month, so I might take a break with that and start adding {{RusTrans}} to the Russian entries. If you have any other nitpicks that you think can be resolved through a mindless search and replace, feel free to add something to Thành viên:Tildebot.
Did you ever end up e-mailing Mr. Starostin? If not, I can send something his way.
 – Nguyễn Xuân Minh (thảo luận, đóng góp) 04:23, ngày 7 tháng 5 năm 2007 (UTC)Trả lời

I have noticed some of the work you did in the recent changes. And to keep you occupied I added a nitpick to your bot page.

As for the Russian transliterations, they can indeed be added. I made it such that the stress can be indicated by adding a prime in front of the vowel, but you will undoubtedly have noticed that already. As far as I have seen all Russian articles have their stress in the first mention of the word, so I trust you'll manage.

I did think we could maybe add different transliterations, just like the English Wiktionary having plenty of "pronounciations" for each English word, in IPA, SAMPA, American standards and so many others. Before I started working on the {{RusTrans}} template, I did some looking around for what is available. I would definitely add an English-based transliteration, since that's more common internationally nowadays, and maybe a German/Polish-based one, which have been in widespread use in the past. Maybe a scolarly one (which is the simplest to implement, being one letter for each letter, without any special things as far as I can see) and maybe a Vietnamese-based one (I discovered one at the Vietnamese Wikipedia). That would give something like:

Chuyển tự:
Khoa học: ješčó, eščë
Anh: yeshcho, Đức: jeschtscho, Việt: ieso

or something of the like. What do you think? Now that I know what works, it will be little work to extend it to other schemes.

And no, I haven't sent anything to Mr. Starostin yet. To be honest, I only just now read the message you wrote me there in full. %^/ Now and then, when I'm at work and tired, I relax a few seconds checking mail or Wikis, and I must have been tired indeed the day you wrote it. I only noticed the last two paragraphs, apparently... To answer the first ones: Thank you for complimenting me on my English. And the letter is rather long, indeed, but all the information provided is correct (well, if you send it; I do speak some Russian). If you don't mind, I'll try and rework some of it when I have time this week. I haven't slept a lot this weekend (a cousin's birthday party at the other side of the country...) and it's late now, so I'm going to do some catching up. And my promotor's enthousiasm has filled the rest of my week, but I should have some time left in the evenings. I'll do my best.

Greets and "see" you later, David Da Vit 20:54, ngày 7 tháng 5 năm 2007 (UTC)Trả lời

This is my version:

I'm writing you in name of the Vietnamese-language edition of Wiktionary (a "sister project" of Wikipedia that is compiling a dictionary). We now include definitions for over 200,000 words both in the Vietnamese language and in other languages. The majority of these were imported from the Free Vietnamese Dictionary Project, a well-respected set of translating dictionaries online.
About a year ago, a user at our site wrote a script to automatically add conjugation and declensian tables to the Russian entries. It seems, though, that this user's script was based on an oversimplified classification. After having thought about how we could put this right, we found nothing better than deleting the tables and to start it over again, this time with a better source.
That is how we became aware of the Tower of Babel website within the past few weeks. We were immediately impressed with the sheer amount of information you provide. Moreover, we were particularly interested in the "Việt-Mường etymology" database included at your site. Except for loanwords from French, Chinese, or English, etymologies of Vietnamese words are vanishingly rare, online or otherwise.
We realize that these databases have been compiled from a variety of sources, and promise to provide credit on every page based on Tower of Babel databases. Wiktionary only permits text in the public domain or licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License (GFDL). Licensing under the GFDL, an open source license, essentially allows anyone to use and contribute to the work, as long as they afford the same rights to others.
We kindly ask you permission to reproduce the contents of the Russian morphology database and/or Việt-Mường etymological database under the terms of the GFDL, if you have the rights to do so. We would be deeply indebted to you if we were allowed to use these data. If not, we would greatly appreciate if you could clarify the copyright or licensing status of these databases.
Thank you
David Vercauteren

Maybe the last paragraphs should be somewhat denser. And also I would consider writing "Viet-Muong" instead of all the diacritics. Even in these modern times of Unicode we often have problems in our family when sending mails in French. The letters with accents are often rendered in %§^& style. You just never know. David Da Vit 20:36, ngày 8 tháng 5 năm 2007 (UTC)Trả lời

Re: Ngàn


Glad to hear from you again, and congrats on the thousand entries. I suppose we need to do something similar at OmegaWiki, too. I've contributed some entries there, but their table-sorting JavaScript hangs my browser too much, so it's a royal pain to edit the site. – Nguyễn Xuân Minh (thảo luận, đóng góp) 18:48, ngày 20 tháng 5 năm 2007 (UTC)Trả lời

Re: Starling


Thanks for keeping track of that. I'm glad to hear you're still involved with the Vietnamese Wikipedia to some extent. That's more than I can say these days. (It's a wonder how much both sites have changed since I said this...) – Nguyễn Xuân Minh (thảo luận, đóng góp) 02:06, ngày 11 tháng 7 năm 2007 (UTC)Trả lời

No worries. I'm usually busy with work or school anyhow. There are a couple others helping out every now and then, such as TTT2. – Nguyễn Xuân Minh (thảo luận, đóng góp) 19:38, ngày 17 tháng 9 năm 2007 (UTC)Trả lời



Cảm ơn anh David, bây giờ thì em hiểu rồi. Cumeo89 (thảo luận) 18:05, ngày 26 tháng 3 năm 2008 (UTC)Trả lời

Cám ơn David, tôi đã thêm lời giải thích này vào Wiktionary:IPA. – Nguyễn Xuân Minh (thảo luận, đóng góp) 18:09, ngày 26 tháng 3 năm 2008 (UTC)Trả lời

Giấy phép hình


lời nhắn này, tôi đang xem lại các hình ảnh được tải lên ở đây để kiểm tra tình trạng bản quyền của nó. Hiện nay có một số hình do anh tải lên chưa có thông tin bản quyền; xin anh gắn một tiêu bản giấy phép hay thêm vào lời cho biết rõ giấy phép. Cám ơn. – Nguyễn Xuân Minh (thảo luận, đóng góp) 18:42, ngày 26 tháng 3 năm 2008 (UTC)Trả lời

Có thể thay hình chư ký của tôi (Hình:Da Vit in Chu Nôm.jpg) thành bản trên commons (Hình:Da Vit in Chu Nôm.jpg). Còn các hình trọng âm Nga thì chính tôi làm, và chúng trong phạm vi công cộng – mặc dù khi chúng tôi tìm thấy hệ biến hoá hoàn thành, thì các hình này sẽ không phải là cần thiết nữa (nếu đó xảy ra ngày nào đó). David Đa Vịt 09:01, ngày 27 tháng 3 năm 2008 (UTC)Trả lời

Re: Lỗi trên trang Nga


Trước tiên, tôi xin lỗi vì không hiểu tiếng Nga. Tôi thấy bạn đã chỉnh lại mục từ đó, nhưng tôi không biết cách nhận ra khi nào có lỗi này. Từ đúng là сентябре (không có chữ ь), phải không? – Nguyễn Xuân Minh (thảo luận, đóng góp) 17:51, ngày 15 tháng 5 năm 2008 (UTC)Trả lời

À, bạn tuy không hiểu tiếng Nga, mà vẫn quan sát hơn tôi. Tôi nghiên cứu việc lần nữa, và tôi nghĩ rằng tôi hiểu rồi. Khi Laurent truyền lên Từ Điển Tiếng Việt, thì anh ấy làm lỗi như thế:
Nếu có bài như
слёзы ~ули из глаз nước mắt tuôn trào
thì Laurent thay dấu ngã thành từ riêng, thay cho thành thân từ (phần trước chữ pipe). Vấn đề này phổ biến lắm, nhưng mà tôi tưởng rằng sửa nó cần có tài liệu của TĐTV.
Tôi hy vọng vấn đề hiện rõ hơn cho bạn. David Đa Vịt 08:26, ngày 27 tháng 5 năm 2008 (UTC)Trả lời

Re: Username change


Done. – Nguyễn Xuân Minh (thảo luận, đóng góp) 21:31, ngày 16 tháng 10 năm 2008 (UTC)Trả lời



Hello! I see that you're sysop here! This category is full of garbage, could you delete them all? Thank you in advance--Nick1915 (thảo luận) 13:28, ngày 12 tháng 5 năm 2009 (UTC)Trả lời

I do so, now and then. I'll see when I have some time. MuDavid Đa Vịt 07:57, ngày 14 tháng 5 năm 2009 (UTC)Trả lời

m:Steward requests/Speedy deletions


Please take a look there to see which ones to delete, so no steward has to step in. Thanks.--Jusjih (thảo luận) 03:07, ngày 7 tháng 11 năm 2009 (UTC)Trả lời

Your admin status


Hello. I'm a steward. A new policy regarding the removal of "advanced rights" (administrator, bureaucrat, etc.) was adopted by community consensus recently. According to this policy, the stewards are reviewing administrators' activity on wikis with no inactivity policy.

You meet the inactivity criteria (no edits and no log actions for 2 years) on vi.wiktionary, where you are an administrator. Since that wiki does not have its own administrators' rights review process, the global one applies.

If you want to keep your rights, you should inform the community of the wiki about the fact that the stewards have sent you this information about your inactivity. If the community has a discussion about it and then wants you to keep your rights, please contact the stewards at m:Stewards' noticeboard, and link to the discussion of the local community, where they express their wish to continue to maintain the rights, and demonstrate a continued requirement to maintain these rights.

We stewards will evaluate the responses. If there is no response at all after approximately one month, we will proceed to remove your administrative rights. In cases of doubt, we will evaluate the responses and will refer a decision back to the local community for their comment and review. If you have any questions, please contact us on m:Stewards' noticeboard.

Best regards, --MF-Warburg (thảo luận) 23:34, ngày 15 tháng 8 năm 2014 (UTC)Trả lời

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Hello! Sorry for writing in English. As you're an administrator here, please check the message I left on MediaWiki talk:Licenses and the village pump. Thanks, Nemo 19:22, ngày 18 tháng 9 năm 2014 (UTC)Trả lời