Thể loại:Kinh tế học
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Trang trong thể loại “Kinh tế học”
Thể loại này chứa 200 trang sau, trên tổng số 1.795 trang.
(Trang trước) (Trang sau)B
- caculus
- clay-clay
- cliometrics
- co-determination
- cointegration
- comecon
- commissions
- commodity money
- commodity space
- commodity terms of trade
- common external tariff
- common facility co-operative
- common market
- common stock
- community indifference curve
- company bargaining
- company director
- company saving
- comparability argument
- comparable worth
- comparative advantage
- comparative costs
- comparative dynamics
- comparative statics
- compensated demand curves
- compensating differentials
- compensating variation
- compensation principle
- compensation rules
- compensation tests
- competition policy
- competitive markets
- complementary inputs
- complements
- complex number
- composite commodity theorem
- compound interest
- concentration ratio
- concerted action
- concertina method of tariff reduction
- concesionary prices
- conditional probality
- confidence interval
- confidence problem
- congestion costs
- conjectural behavior
- consolidated balance sheets
- consolidated fund
- consortium bank
- conspicuous consumption
- constant capital
- constant market share demand curve
- constant prices
- constant returns to scale
- constestable market
- constrain informal
- constrained optimization
- consumer borrowing
- consumer choice
- consumer credit
- consumer demand theory
- consumer durable
- consumer equilibrium
- consumer expenditure
- consumer goods and services
- consumer price index
- consumer sovereignty
- consumer surplus
- consumer's surplus
- consumption bundle
- consumption expenditure
- consumption externalities
- consumption function
- consumption tax
- contestable market
- contingency reserve
- contingency table
- contingent valuation
- continuous distribution
- continuous variable
- contract curve
- contractionary fiscal policy
- contractionary phase
- convergence thesis
- convergent cycle
- conversion factor
- convertible loan stock
- convertible security
- cooling off period
- corner solution
- cornor solution
- corporate capitalism
- corporate risk
- corporate state
- corporation tax
- correlation of returns
- correlogram
- correspondent banks
- cost - benefit analysis
- cost - effectiveness analysis
- cost - plus pricing
- cost - push inflation
- cost - utility analysis
- cost insurance freight
- cost minimization
- cost of capital
- cost of living
- cost of protection
- cost overrun
- cost price
- counter - vailing duty
- countercyclical
- countertrade
- countervailing power
- coupon payments
- cournot's duopoly model
- covariance
- covariance stationary
- covered interest parity
- craff unions
- crash
- crawling peg
- credible threat
- credit account
- credit card
- credit celing
- credit control
- credit creation
- credit guarantee
- credit multiplier
- credit rationing
- credit restrictions
- credit squeeze
- credit transfer
- creditor nation
- creditors
- creeping inflation
- criminalization
- critical value
- crony capitalism
- cross elasticity of demand
- cross partial derivative
- cross price elasticity of demand
- cross-entry
- cross-section consumption function
- cross-section data
- cross-sectional analysis
- cross-subsidization
- crowding hypothesis
- crowding out
- crowding-out effect
- cultural change
- culture of poverty hypothesis
- cumulative causation model
- cumulative preference shares
- cumulative probality
- cumulative shares
- curency school
- currency appreciation
- currency control
- currency depreciation
- currency notes
- currency principle
- currency retention quota
- currency substitution
- current account
- current and capital account
- current assets
- current cost accounting
- current income
- current liabilities
- current prices
- current profits
- custom and practice
- custom markets
- custom union
- cyclical unemployment